JOENY has taken the mandate to ensure better relationship with Host Community, by employing efficient communication with both the Host Communities and authorities thereby reducing or eliminating disruptions during the execution of our contracts.  By crossing the boundary between our business and the community, the community becomes a key stakeholder. 
One benefit that gives our company a good image in the community is our ability to liaise with the indigens of such community establishing concrete relationships and organising mini projects providing employees with some sort of pride and confidence knowing that their company gives back to the community. Over the years we have been able to meet with several orphanages, systems in need and the general community. Initiatives such as has boosted our company’s image in the eyes of the public who are potential clients. It is for this reason that we have maintained these Public Relations. While we ensure we develop relationships to help foster our good name, the community receives support from these initiatives. 
As part of our community strategy, we ensure to engage community workers in areas of our operations. Host community are given first priority to provide services or given subcontracts within their curfew. Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour is engaged which directly promotes the effectiveness of the Nigerian Content strategy.